
Ordering food can be a frustrating experience with long wait times, not knowing when your food is ready, and lots of standing around. Luckily, mobile ordering might be an effective solution.


Our final solution has two aspects:

A digital solution, in the form of a mobile ordering application that tracks the order as well as its progress, and a physical solution, involving cabinets for customers to easily identify their order and retrieve their meal.
We combined these two solutions in order to provide customers and staff with a seamless user experience. It allows the staff to easily organize their orders, and it allows customers to track their order, stay informed and manage their time when collecting their order.

Design Process


We conducted secondary research online on existing online dining experiences, and found...
We also conducted interviews with students and workers on campus in order to determine potential pain points within the current dining experience...

Secondary Research:

We conducted secondary research online on existing online dining experiences, and discovered that...
Kiosks lead to an increase in accuracy as well as reduced wait times for orders.
The lack of human interaction that kiosks bring are welcome to some users.
The use of kiosks allow more marketing opportunities for companies who use them.
Companies reported increased sales and decreased costs when making use of kiosks.

Primary Research:

We also conducted surveys and interviews with students and workers on campus in order to determine potential pain points within the current dining experience, and found that...
More than 90% of respondents said they struggled with food wait times, and many restaurants had excessive wait times.
Students found that mobile ordering made getting food more accessible.
Restaurants don't provide enough information to users (eg. meal swipe times, business hours, etc)
Participants who have used kiosks found that they decreased wait times and improved order accuracy.

My Contribution


For this project, I made many contributions to the team when working on collaborative elements, such as the wireframes and documentation.
However, my greatest contribution is my storyboard, which I completed all on my own. It was used to visualize the current user journey of ordering food as well as its current frustrations.


What I gained:

As this was my first UX project, I gained a lot of practical experience and learned a lot about the design process and how reiteration based on user feedback and user testing works.
It was an experience that continues to assist me to this day, and has helped me apply and conduct this process throughout my other projects.